Search Results: "jones"

14 September 2013

Joachim Breitner: Adding safe coercions to Haskell

Yesterday, I pushed my first sizable contribution to GHC, the Haskell compiler. The feature solves the problem that newtypes are not always free: If we have newtype Age = MkAge Int, then we have all learned that the Age function has zero run-time cost. But if the Int that we want to convert is inside another type, the conversion is no longer free: Converting a Maybe Int to a Maybe Age using, for example, fmap Age, will cause time and space overhead at runtime, and there was no way around it. Well, there is unsafeCoerce, but really, that ought to be avoided. So after some discussion with and encouragement of Simon Peyton Jones at RDP in Eindhoven this year I worked on a design (which was developed, as far as I know, by Simon, Roman Cheplyaka, Stephanie Weirich, Richard Eisenberg and me). In GHC 7.8, there will be a function coerce :: Coercible a b => a -> b that works, from the user point of view, like unsafeCoerce (i.e. no run-time cost), but with the big difference that it will only typecheck if the compiler can infer that it indeed is safe to coerce between a and b. So it will derive Coercible Age Int, and Coercible Int Age, and Coercible (Maybe Age) (Maybe Int) and even stuff like Coercible (Int -> Age) (Age -> Int), but not Coercible Int Bool. It will also not coerce between Age and Int if the constructor MkAge is not exported, to respect module boundaries. Under the hood this relies on the also new feature of roles, which were solved to make the previously unsafe GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving feature safe again, and which also guarantee that coerce is indeed as safe as the name suggests. The feature will come with 7.8, but not fully advertised , so things might change again for 7.10, and bugs with the feature may not necessarily qualify to be fixed in further 7.8.x releases, so beware. It also does not automatically convert fmap Age into coerce, but it is a step in that direction.

2 July 2013

Ondřej Čertík: My impressions from the SciPy 2013 conference

I have attended the SciPy 2013 conference in Austin, Texas. Here are my impressions.

Number one is the fact that the IPython notebook was used by pretty much everyone. I use it a lot myself, but I didn't realize how ubiquitous it has become. It is quickly becoming the standard now. The IPython notebook is using Markdown and in fact it is better than Rest. The way to remember the "[]()" syntax for links is that in regular text you put links into () parentheses, so you do the same in Markdown, and append [] for the text of the link. The other way to remember is that [] feel more serious and thus are used for the text of the link. I stressed several times to +Fernando Perez and +Brian Granger how awesome it would be to have interactive widgets in the notebook. Fortunately that was pretty much preaching to the choir, as that's one of the first things they plan to implement good foundations for and I just can't wait to use that.

It is now clear, that the IPython notebook is the way to store computations that I want to share with other people, or to use it as a "lab notebook" for myself, so that I can remember what exactly I did to obtain the results (for example how exactly I obtained some figures from raw data). In other words --- instead of having sets of scripts and manual bash commands that have to be executed in particular order to do what I want, just use IPython notebook and put everything in there.

Number two is that how big the conference has become since the last time I attended (couple years ago), yet it still has the friendly feeling. Unfortunately, I had to miss a lot of talks, due to scheduling conflicts (there were three parallel sessions), so I look forward to seeing them on video.

+Aaron Meurer and I have done the SymPy tutorial (see the link for videos and other tutorial materials). It's been nice to finally meet +Matthew Rocklin (very active SymPy contributor) in person. He also had an interesting presentation
about symbolic matrices + Lapack code generation. +Jason Moore presented PyDy.
It's been a great pleasure for us to invite +David Li (still a high school student) to attend the conference and give a presentation about his work on and

It was nice to meet the Julia guys, +Jeff Bezanson and +Stefan Karpinski. I contributed the Fortran benchmarks on the Julia's website some time ago, but I had the feeling that a lot of them are quite artificial and not very meaningful. I think Jeff and Stefan confirmed my feeling. Julia seems to have quite interesting type system and multiple dispatch, that SymPy should learn from.

I met the VTK guys +Matthew McCormick and +Pat Marion. One of the keynotes was given by +Will Schroeder from Kitware about publishing. I remember him stressing to manage dependencies well as well as to use BSD like license (as opposed to viral licenses like GPL or LGPL). That opensource has pretty much won (i.e. it is now clear that that is the way to go).

I had great discussions with +Francesc Alted, +Andy Terrel, +Brett Murphy, +Jonathan Rocher, +Eric Jones, +Travis Oliphant, +Mark Wiebe, +Ilan Schnell, +St fan van der Walt, +David Cournapeau, +Anthony Scopatz, +Paul Ivanov, +Michael Droettboom, +Wes McKinney, +Jake Vanderplas, +Kurt Smith, +Aron Ahmadia, +Kyle Mandli, +Benjamin Root and others.

It's also been nice to have a chat with +Jason Vertrees and other guys from Schr dinger.

One other thing that I realized last week at the conference is that pretty much everyone agreed on the fact that NumPy should act as the default way to represent memory (no matter if the array was created in Fortran or other code) and allow manipulations on it. Faster libraries like Blaze or ODIN should then hook themselves up into NumPy using multiple dispatch. Also SymPy would then hook itself up so that it can be used with array operations natively. Currently SymPy does work with NumPy (see our tests for some examples what works), but the solution is a bit fragile (it is not possible to override NumPy behavior, but because NumPy supports general objects, we simply give it SymPy objects and things mostly work).

Similar to this, I would like to create multiple dispatch in SymPy core itself, so that other (faster) libraries for symbolic manipulation can hook themselves up, so that their own (faster) multiplication, expansion or series expansion would get called instead of the SymPy default one implemented in pure Python.

Other blog posts from the conference:

4 June 2013

Keith Packard: dri3 extension

Completing the DRI3 Extension This week marks a pretty significant milestone for the glorious DRI3000 future. The first of the two new extensions is complete and running both full Gnome and KDE desktops. DRI3 Extension Overview The DRI3 extension provides facilities for building direct rendering libraries to work with the X window system. DRI3 provides three basic mechanisms:
  1. Open a DRM device.
  2. Share kernel objects associated with X pixmaps. The direct rendering client may allocate kernel objects itself and ask the X server to construct a pixmap referencing them, or the client may take an existing X pixmap and discover the underlying kernel object for it.
  3. Synchronize access to the kernel objects. Within the X server, Sync Fences are used to serialize access to objects. These Sync Fences are exposed via file descriptors which the underlying driver can use to implement synchronization. The current Intel DRM driver passes a shared page containing a Linux Futex.
Opening the DRM Device Ideally, the DRM application would be able to just open the graphics device and start drawing, sending the resulting buffers to the X server for display. There s work going on to make this possible, but the current situation has the X server in charge of blessing the file descriptors used by DRM clients. DRI2 does this by having the DRM client fetch a magic cookie from the kernel and pass that to the X server. The cookie is then passed to the kernel which matches it up with the DRM client and turns on rendering access for that application. For DRI3, things are much simpler the DRM client asks the X server to pass back a file descriptor for the device. The X server opens the device, does the magic cookie dance all by itself (at least for now), and then passes the file descriptor back to the application.
    drawable: DRAWABLE
    driverType: DRI3DRIVER
    provider: PROVIDER
    nfd: CARD8
    driver: STRING
    device: FD
    Errors: Drawable, Value, Match
    This requests that the X server open the direct rendering
    device associated with drawable, driverType and RandR
    provider. The provider must support SourceOutput or SourceOffload.
    The direct rendering library used to implement the specified
    'driverType' is returned in 'driver'. The file
    descriptor for the device is returned in 'device'. 'nfd' will
    be set to one (this is strictly a convenience for XCB which
    otherwise would need request-specific information about how
    many file descriptors were associated with this reply).
Sharing Kernel Pixel Buffers An explicit non-goal of DRI3 is support for sharing buffers that don t map directly to regular X pixmaps. So, GL ancillary buffers like depth and stencil just don t apply here. The shared buffers in DRI3 are regular X pixmaps in the X server. This provides a few obvious benefits over the DRI2 scheme: In the kernel, the buffers are referenced by DMA-BUF handles, which provides a nice driver-independent mechanism.
  1. Lifetimes are easily managed. Without being associated with a separate drawable, it s easy to know when to free the Pixmap.
  2. Regular X requests apply directly. For instance, copying between buffers can use the core CopyArea request.
To create back- and fake-front- buffers for Windows, the application creates a kernel buffer, associates a DMA-BUF file descriptor with that and then sends the fd to the X server with a pixmap ID to create the associated pixmap. Doing it in this direction avoids a round trip.
    pixmap: PIXMAP
    drawable: DRAWABLE
    size: CARD32
    width, height, stride: CARD16
    depth, bpp: CARD8
    buffer: FD
    Errors: Alloc, Drawable, IDChoice, Value, Match
    Creates a pixmap for the direct rendering object associated
    with 'buffer'. Changes to pixmap will be visible in that
    direct rendered object and changes to the direct rendered
    object will be visible in the pixmap.
    'size' specifies the total size of the buffer bytes. 'width',
    'height' describe the geometry (in pixels) of the underlying
    buffer. 'stride' specifies the number of bytes per scanline in
    the buffer. The pixels within the buffer may not be arranged
    in a simple linear fashion, but 'size' will be at least
    'height' * 'stride'.
    Precisely how any additional information about the buffer is
    shared is outside the scope of this extension.
    If buffer cannot be used with the screen associated with
    drawable, a Match error is returned.
    If depth or bpp are not supported by the screen, a Value error
    is returned.
To provide for texture-from-pixmap, the application takes the pixmap ID and passes that to the X server which returns the a file descriptor for a DMA-BUF which is associated with the underlying kernel buffer.
    pixmap: PIXMAP
    depth: CARD8
    size: CARD32
    width, height, stride: CARD16
    depth, bpp: CARD8
    buffer: FD
    Errors: Pixmap, Match
    Pass back a direct rendering object associated with
    pixmap. Changes to pixmap will be visible in that
    direct rendered object and changes to the direct rendered
    object will be visible in the pixmap.
    'size' specifies the total size of the buffer bytes. 'width',
    'height' describe the geometry (in pixels) of the underlying
    buffer. 'stride' specifies the number of bytes per scanline in
    the buffer. The pixels within the buffer may not be arranged
    in a simple linear fashion, but 'size' will be at least
    'height' * 'stride'.
    Precisely how any additional information about the buffer is
    shared is outside the scope of this extension.
    If buffer cannot be used with the screen associated with
    drawable, a Match error is returned.
Tracking Window Size Changes When Eric Anholt and I first started discussing DRI3, we hoped to avoid needing to learn about the window size from the X server. The thought was that the union of all of the viewports specified by the application would form the bounds of the drawing area. When the window size changed, we expected the application would change the viewport. Alas, this simple plan isn t sufficient here a few GL functions are not limited to the viewport. So, we need to track the actual window size and monitor changes to it. DRI2 does this by delivering invalidate events to the application whenever the current buffer isn t valid; the application discovers that this event has been delivered and goes to as the X server for the new buffers. There are a couple of problems with this approach:
  1. Any outstanding DRM rendering requests will still draw to the old buffers.
  2. The Invalidate events must be captured before the application sees the related ConfigureNotify event so that the GL library can react appropriately.
The first problem is pretty intractable within DRI2 the application has no way of knowing whether a frame that it has drawn was delivered to the correct buffer as the underlying buffer object can change at any time. DRI3 fixes this by having the application in control of buffer management; it can easily copy data from the previous back buffer to the new back buffer synchronized to its own direct rendering. The second problem was solved in DRI2 by using the existing Xlib event hooks; the GL library directly implements the Xlib side of the DRI2 extension and captures the InvalidateBuffers events within that code, delivering those to the driver code. The problem with this solution is that Xlib holds the Display structure mutex across this whole mess, and Mesa must be very careful not to make any Xlib calls during the invalidate call. For DRI3, I considered placing the geometry data in a shared memory buffer, but my future plans for the Present extension led me to want an X event instead (more about the Present extension in a future posting). An X ConfigureNotify event is sufficient for the current requirements to track window sizes accurately. However, there s no easy way for the GL library to ensure that ConfigureNotify events will be delivered to the application other application code may (and probably will) adjust the window event mask for its own uses. I considered adding the necessary event mask tracking code within XCB, but again, knowing that the Present extension would probably need additional information anyhow, decided to create a new event instead. Using an event requires that XCB provide some mechanism to capture those events, keep them from the regular X event stream, and deliver them to the GL library. A further requirement is that the GL library be absolutely assured of receiving notification about these events before the regular event processing within the application will see a core ConfigureNotify event. The method I came up with for XCB is fairly specific to my requirements. The events are always XGE events, and are tagged with a special event context ID , an XID allocated for this purpose. The combination of the extension op-code, the event type and this event context ID are used to split off these events to custom event queues using the following APIs:
 * @brief Listen for a special event
xcb_special_event_t *xcb_register_for_special_event(xcb_connection_t *c,
                                                    uint8_t extension,
                                                    uint16_t evtype,
                                                    uint32_t eid,
                                                    uint32_t *stamp);
This creates a special event queue which will contain only events matching the specified extension/type/event-id triplet.
 * @brief Returns the next event from a special queue
xcb_generic_event_t *xcb_check_for_special_event(xcb_connection_t *c,
                                                 xcb_special_event_t *se);
This pulls an event from a special event queue. These events will not appear in the regular X event queue and so applications will never see them. There s one more piece of magic here the stamp value passed to xcbregisterforspecialevent. This pointer refers to a location in memory which will be incremented every time an event is placed in the special event queue. The application can cheaply monitor this memory location for changes and known when to check the queue for events. Within GL, the value used is the existing dri2 stamp value. That is checked at the top of the rendering operation; if it has changed, the drawing buffers will be re-acquired. Part of the buffer acquisition process is a check for special events related to the window. For now, I ve placed these events in the DRI3 extension. However, they will move to the Present extension once that is working.
    eventContext: DRI3EVENTID
    window: WINDOW
    eventMask: SETofDRI3EVENT
    Errors: Window, Value, Match, IDchoice
    Selects the set of DRI3 events to be delivered for the
    specified window and event context. DRI3SelectInput can
    create, modify or delete event contexts. An event context is
    associated with a specific window; using an existing event
    context with a different window generates a Match error.
    If eventContext specifies an existing event context, then if
    eventMask is empty, DRI3SelectInput deletes the specified
    context, otherwise the specified event context is changed to
    select a different set of events.
    If eventContext is an unused XID, then if eventMask is empty
    no operation is performed. Otherwise, a new event context is
    created selecting the specified events.
The events themselves look a lot like a configure notify event:
    type: CARD8         XGE event type (35)
    extension: CARD8        DRI3 extension request number
    length: CARD16          2
    evtype: CARD16          DRI3_ConfigureNotify
    eventID: DRI3EVENTID
    window: WINDOW
    x: INT16
    y: INT16
    width: CARD16
    height: CARD16
    off_x: INT16
    off_y: INT16
    pixmap_width: CARD16
    pixmap_height: CARD16
    pixmap_flags: CARD32
    'x' and 'y' are the parent-relative location of 'window'.
Note that there are a couple of odd additional fields offx, offy, pixmapwidth, pixmapheight and pixmap_flags are all place-holders for what I expect to end up in the Present extension. For now, in DRI3, they should be ignored. Synchronization The DRM application needs to know when various X requests related to its buffers have finished. In particular, when performing a buffer swap, the client wants to know when that completes, and be able to block until it has. DRI2 does this by having the application make a synchronous request from the X server to get the names of the new back buffer for drawing the next frame. This has two problems:
  1. The synchronous round trip to the X server isn t free. Other running applications may cause fairly arbitrary delays in getting the reply back from the X server.
  2. Synchronizing with the X server doesn t ensure that GPU operations are necessarily serialized between the application and the X server.
What we want is a serialization guarantee between the X server and the DRM application that operates at the GPU level. I ve written a couple of times (dri3k first steps and Shared Memory Fences) about using X Sync extension Fences (created by James Jones and Aaron Plattner) for this synchronization and wanted to get a bit more specific here. With the X server, a Sync extension Fence is essentially driver-specific, allowing the hardware design to control how the actual synchronization is performed. DRI3 creates a way to share the underlying operating system object by passing a file descriptor from application to the X server which somehow references that device object. Both sides of the protocol need to tacitly agree on what it means.
    drawable: DRAWABLE
    fence: FENCE
    initially-triggered: BOOL
    fd: FD
    Errors: IDchoice, Drawable
    Creates a Sync extension Fence that provides the regular Sync
    extension semantics along with a file descriptor that provides
    a device-specific mechanism to manipulate the fence directly.
    Details about the mechanism used with this file descriptor are
    outside the scope of the DRI3 extension.
For the current GEM kernel interface, because all GPU access is serialized at the kernel API, it s sufficient to serialize access to the kernel itself to ensure operations are serialized on the GPU. So, for GEM, I m using a shared memory futex for the DRI3 synchronization primitive. That does not mean that all GPUs will share this same mechanism. Eliminate the kernel serialization guarantee and some more GPU-centric design will be required. What about Swap Buffers? None of the above stuff actually gets bits onto the screen. For now, the GL implementation is simply taking the X pixmap and copying it to the window at SwapBuffers time. This is sufficient to run applications, but doesn t provide for all of the fancy swap options, like limiting to frame rate or optimizing full-screen swaps. I ve decided to relegate all of that functionality to the as-yet-unspecified Present extension. Because the whole goal of DRI3 was to get direct rendered application contents into X pixmaps, the Present extension will operate on those X objects directly. This means it will also be usable with non-DRM applications that use simple X pixmap based double buffering, a class which includes most existing non-GL based Gtk+ and Qt applications. So, I get to reduce the size of the DRI3 extension while providing additional functionality for non direct-rendered applications. Current Status As I said above, all of the above functionality is running on my systems and has booted both complete KDE and Gnome sessions. There have been some recent DMA-BUF related fixes in the kernel, so you ll need to run the latest 3.9.x stable release or a 3.10 release candidate. Here s references to all of the appropriate git repositories: DRI3 protocol and spec:
git://      master
XCB protocol
git://  dri3
XCB library
git:// dri3
xshmfence library:
git://   master
X server:
git://    dri3
git://       dri3
Next Steps Now it s time to go write the Present extension and get that working. I ll start coding and should have another posting here next week.

25 May 2013

Jonas Smedegaard: FreedomBox - Helps You Stay Free!

On saturday 25. of May I gave a talk about FreedomBox at the "Claim back your device" track of LinuxTag in Berlin. LinuxTag is a fairly big annual conference about (yes, you guessed right) Linux and related topics. The FreedomBox is a project to help non-geeks care about their personal privacy when online, same ways as geeks have practiced for a decade or more. Concrete goal is to design a small, cheap physical box similar to an internet gateway or wifi router but with three additions: "Privacy" is commonly mistaken as "secrecy": Privacy is to keep you in control of your information, so that sharing or keeping to yourself is truly your own choice. Thanks a lot especially to Matthias Kirschner for inviting me as a speaker! Slides (sources) for the event.

26 April 2013

Keith Packard: Shared Memory Fences

Shared Memory Fences In our last adventure, dri3k first steps, one of the future work items was to deal with synchronization between the direct rendering application and the X server. DRI2 handles this by performing a round trip each time the application starts using a buffer that was being used by the X server. As DRI3 manages buffer allocation within the application, there s really no reason to talk to the server, so this implicit serialization point just isn t available to us. As I mentioned last time, James Jones and Aaron Plattner added an explicit GPU serialization system to the Sync extension. These SyncFences serializing rendering between two X clients, but within the server there are hooks provided for the driver to use hardware-specific serialization primitives. The existing Linux DRM interfaces queue rendering to the GPU in the order requests are made to the kernel, so we don t need the ability to serialize within the GPU, we just need to serialize requests to the kernel. Simple CPU-based serialization gating access to the GPU will suffice here, at least for the current set of drivers. GPU access which is not mediated by the kernel will presumably require serialization that involves the GPU itself. We ll leave that for a future adventure though; the goal today is to build something that works with the current Linux DRM interfaces. SyncFence Semantics The semantics required by SyncFences is for multiple clients to block on a fence which a single client then triggers. All of the blocked clients start executing requests immediately after the trigger fires. There are four basic operations on SyncFences: SyncFences are the same as Events as provided by Python and other systems. Of course all of the names have been changed to keep things interesting. I ll call them Fences here, to be consistent with the current X usage. Using Pthread Primitives One fact about pthreads that I recently learned is that the synchronization primitives (mutexes, barriers and semaphores) are actually supposed to work across process boundaries, if those objects are in shared memory mapped by each process. That seemed like a great simplification for this project; allocate a page of shared memory, map into the X server and direct rendering application and use the existing pthreads APIs. Alas, the pthread objects are architecture specific. I m pretty sure that when that spec was written, no-one ever thought of running multiple architectures within the same memory space. I went and looked at the code to check, and found that each of these objects has a different size and structure on x86 and x86_64 architectures. That makes it pretty hard to use this API within X as we often have both 32- and 64- bit applications talking to the same (presumably 64-bit) X server. As a last resort, I read through a bunch of articles on using futexes directly within applications and decided that it was probably possible to implement what I needed in an architecture-independent fashion. Futexes Linux Futexes live in this strange limbo of being a not-quite-public kernel interface. Glibc uses them internally to implement locking primitives, but it doesn t export any direct interface to the system call. Certainly they re easy to use incorrectly, but it s unusual in the Linux space to have our fundamental tools locked away for our own safety . Fortunately, we can still get at futexes by creating our own syscall wrappers.
static inline long sys_futex(void *addr1, int op, int val1,
                 struct timespec *timeout, void *addr2, int val3)
    return syscall(SYS_futex, addr1, op, val1, timeout, addr2, val3);
For this little exercise, I created two simple wrappers, one to block on a futex:
static inline int futex_wait(int32_t *addr, int32_t value)  
    return sys_futex(addr, FUTEX_WAIT, value, NULL, NULL, 0);
and one to wake up all futex waiters:
static inline int futex_wake(int32_t *addr)  
    return sys_futex(addr, FUTEX_WAKE, MAXINT, NULL, NULL, 0);
Atomic Memory Operations I need atomic memory operations to keep separate cores from seeing different values of the fence value, GCC defines a few such primitives and I picked _syncboolcompareandswap and _syncvalcompareandswap. I also need fetch and store operations that the compiler won t shuffle around:
#define barrier() __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory")
static inline void atomic_store(int32_t *f, int32_t v)
    *f = v;
static inline int32_t atomic_fetch(int32_t *a)
    int32_t v;
    v = *a;
    return v;
If your machine doesn t make these two operations atomic, then you would redefine these as needed. Futex-based Fences These wake-all semantics of Fences greatly simplify reasoning about the operation as there s no need to ensure that only a single thread runs past Await, the only requirement is that no threads pass the Await operation until the fence is triggered. A Fence is defined by a single 32-bit integer which can take one of three values: With those, I built the fence operations as follows. Here s Await:
int fence_await(int32_t *f)
    while (__sync_val_compare_and_swap(f, 0, -1) != 1)  
        if (futex_wait(f, -1))  
            if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
                return -1;
    return 0;
The basic requirement that the thread not run until the fence is triggered is met by fetching the current value of the fence and comparing it with 1. Until it is signaled, that comparison will return false. The compareandswap operation makes sure the fence is -1 before the thread calls futex_wait, either it was already -1 in the case where there were other waiters, or it was 0 before and is now -1 in the case where there were no waiters before. This needs to be an atomic operation so that the fence value will be seen as -1 by the trigger operation if there are any threads in the syscall. The futex_wait call will return once the value is no longer -1, it also ensures that the thread won t block if the trigger occurs between the swap and the syscall. Here s the Trigger function:
int fence_trigger(int32_t *f)
    if (__sync_val_compare_and_swap(f, 0, 1) == -1)  
        atomic_store(f, 1);
        if (futex_wake(f) < 0)
            return -1;
    return 0;
The atomic compareandswap operation will make sure that no Await thread swaps the 0 for a -1 while the trigger is changing the value from 0 to 1; either the Await switches from 0 to -1 or the Trigger switches from 0 to 1. If the value before the compareandswap was -1, then there may be threads waiting on the Fence. An atomic store, constructed with two memory barriers and a regular store operation, to mark the Fence triggered is followed by the futex_wake call to unblock all Awaiting threads. The Query function is just an atomic fetch:
int fence_query(int32_t *f)
    return atomic_fetch(f) == 1;
Reset requires a compareandswap so that it doesn t disturb things if the fence has already been reset and there are threads waiting on it:
void fence_reset(int32_t *f)
    __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(f, 1, 0);
A Request for Review Ok, so we ve all tried to create synchronization primitives only to find that our obvious implementations were full of holes. I d love to hear from you if you ve identified any problems in the above code, or if you can figure out how to use the existing glibc primitives for this operation.

12 April 2013

Keith Packard: dri3k first steps

DRI3K First Steps Here s an update on DRI3000. I ll start by describing what I ve managed to get working and then summarize discussions that happened on the xorg-devel mailing list. Private Back Buffers One of the big goals for DRI3000 is to finish the job of moving buffer management out of the X server and into applications. The only thing still allocated by DRI2 in the X server are back buffers; everything else moved to the client side. Yes, I know, this breaks the GLX requirement for sharing buffers between applications, but we just don t care anymore. As a quick hack, I figured out how to do this with DRI2 today allocate our back buffers separately by creating X pixmaps for them, and then using the existing DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat request to get a GEM handle for them. Of course, now that all I ve got is a pixmap, I can t use the existing DRI2 swap buffer support, so for now I m just using CopyArea to get stuff on the screen. But, that works fine, as long as you don t care about synchronization. Handling Window Resize The biggest pain in DRI2 has been dealing with window resize. When the window resizes in the X server, a new back buffer is allocated and the old one discarded. An event is delivered to invalidate the old back buffer, but anything done between the time the back buffer is discarded and when the application responds to the event is lost. You can easily see this with any GL application today resize the window and you ll see occasional black frames. By allocating the back buffer in the application, the application handles the resize within GL; at some point in the rendering process the resize is discovered, and GL creates a new buffer, copies the existing data over, and continues rendering. So, the rendered data are never lost, and every frame gets displayed on the screen (although, perhaps at the wrong size). The puzzle here was how to tell that the window was resized. Ideally, we d have the application tell us when it received the X configure notify event and was drawing the frame at the new size. We thought of a cute hack that might do this; track GL calls to change the viewport and make sure the back buffer could hold the viewport contents. In theory, the application would receive the X configure notify event, change the viewport and render at the new size. Tracking the viewport settings for an entire frame and constructing their bounding box should describe the size of the window; at least it should describe the intended size of the window. There s at least one serious problem with this plan applications may well call glClear before calling glViewport, and as glClear does not use the current viewport, instead clearing the whole window, we couldn t use the viewport as an indication of the current window size. However, what this exercise did lead us to realize was that we don t care what size the window actually is, we only care what size the application thinks it is. More accurately, the GL library just needs to be aware of any window configuration changes before the application, so that it will construct a buffer that is not older than the application knowledge of the window size. I came up with two possible mechanisms here; the first was to construct a shared memory block between application and X server where the X server would store window configuration changes and signal the application by incrementing a sequence number in the shared page; the GL library would simply look at the sequence number and reallocate buffers when it changed. The problem with the shared memory plan was that it wouldn t work across the network, and we have a future project in mind to replace GLX indirect rendering with local direct rendering and PutImage which still needs accurate window size tracking. More about that project in a future post though X Events to the Rescue So, I decided to just have the X server send me events when the window size changed. I could simply use the existing X configure notify events, but that would require a huge infrastructure change in the application so that my GL library could get those events and have the application also see them. Not knowing what the application is up to, we d have to track every ChangeWindowAttributes call and make sure the event_mask included the right bits. Ick. Fortunately, there s another reason to use a new event we need more information than is provided in the ConfigureNotify event; as you know, the Swap extension wants to have applications draw their content within a larger buffer that can have the window decorations placed around it to avoid a copy from back buffer to window buffer. So, our new ConfigureNotify event would also contain that information. Making sure that ConfigureNotify event is delivered before the core ConfigureNotify event ensures that the GL library should always be able to know about window size changes before the application. Splitting the XCB Event Stream Ok, so I ve got these new events coming from the X server. I don t want the application to have to receive them and hand them down to the GL library; that would mean changing every application on the planet, something which doesn t seem very likely at all. Xlib does this kind of thing by allowing applications to stick themselves into the middle of the event processing code with a callback to filter out the events they re interested in before they hit the main event queue. That s how DRI2 captures Invalidate events, and it works , but using callbacks from the middle of the X event processing code creates all kinds of locking nightmares. As discussed above, I don t care when GL sees the configure events, as long as it gets them before the application finds about about the window size change. So, we don t need to synchronously handle these events, we just need to be able to know they ve arrived and then handle them on the next call to a GL drawing function. What I ve created as a prototype is the ability to identify specific events and place them in a separate event queue, and when events are placed in that event queue, to bump a sequence number so that the application can quickly identify that there s something to process. Making the Event Mask Per-API Instead of Per-Client The problem described above about using the core ConfigureNotify events made me think about how to manage multiple APIs all wanting to track window configuration. For core events, the selection of which events to receive is all based on the client; each client has a single event mask, and each client receives one copy of each event. Monolithic applications work fine with this model; there s one place in the application selecting for events and one place processing them. However, modern applications end up using different APIs for 3D, 2D and media. Getting those libraries to cooperate and use a common API for event management seems pretty intractable. Making the X server treat each API as a separate entity seemed a whole lot easier; if two APIs want events, just have them register separately and deliver two events flagged for the separate APIs. So, the new DRI3 configure notify events are created with their own XID to identify the client-side owner of the event. Within the X server, this required a tiny change; we already needed to allocate an XID for each event selection so that it could be automatically cleaned up when the client exited, so the only change was to use the one provided by the client instead of allocating one in the server. On the wire, the event includes this new XID so that the library can use it to sort out which event queue to stick the event in using the new XCB event stream splitting code. Current Status The above section describes the work that I ve got running; with it, I can run GL applications and have them correctly track window size changes without losing a frame. It s all available on the dri3 branches of my various repositories for xcb proto, libxcb, dri3proto and the X server. Future Directions The first obvious change needed is to move the configuration events from the DRI3 extension to the as-yet-unspecified new Swap extension (which I may rename as Present , as in please present this pixmap in this window ). That s because they aren t related to direct rendering, but rather to tracking window sizes for off-screen rendering, either direct, indirect or even with the CPU to memory. DRI3 and Fences Right now, I m not synchronizing the direct rendering with the CopyArea call; that means the X server will end up with essentially random contents as the application may be mid-way through the next frame before it processes the CopyArea. A simple XSync call would suffice to fix that, but I want a more efficient way of doing this. With the current Linux DRI kernel APIs, it is sufficient to serialize calls that post rendering requests to the kernel to ensure that the rendering requests are themselves serialized. So, all I need to do is have the application wait until the X server has sent the CopyArea request down to the kernel. I could do that by having the X server send me an X event, but I think there s a better way that will extend to systems that don t offer the kernel serialization guarantee. James Jones and Aaron Plattner put together a proposal to add Fences to the X Sync extension. In the X world, those offer a method to serialize rendering between two X applications, but of course the real goal is to expose those fences to GL applications through the various GL sync extensions (including GLARBsync and GLNVfence). With the current Linux DRI implementation, I think it would be pretty easy to implement these fences using pthread semaphores in a block of memory shared between the server and application. That would be DRI-specific; other direct rendering interfaces would use alternate means to share the fences between X server and application. Swap/Present The Second Extension By simply using CopyArea for my application presentation step, I think I ve neatly split this problem into manageable pieces. Once I ve got the DRI3 piece working, I ll move on to fixing the presentation issue. By making that depend solely on existing core Pixmap objects as the source of data to present, I can develop that without any reference to DRI. This will make the extension useful to existing X applications that currently have only CopyArea for this operation. Presentation of application contents occurs in two phases; the first is to identify which objects are involved in the presentation. The second is to perform the presentation operation, either using CopyArea, or by swapping pages or the entire frame buffer. For offscreen objects, these can occur at the same time. For onscreen, the presentation will likely be synchronized with the scanout engine. The second form will mean that the Fences that mark when the presentation has occurred will need to signaled only once the operation completes. A CopyArea operation means that the source pixmap is ready immediately after the Copy has completed. Doing the presentation by using the source pixmap as the new front buffer means that the source pixmap doesn t become ready until after the next swap completes. What I don t know now is whether we ll need to report up-front whether the presentation will involve a copy or a swap. At this point, I don t think so the application will need two back buffers in all cases to avoid blocking between the presentation request and the presentation execution. Yes, it could use a fence for this, but that still sticks a bubble in the 3D hardware where it s blocked waiting for vblank instead of starting on the next frame immediately. Plan of Attack Right now, I m working on finishing up the DRI3 piece: The first three seem fairly straight forward. The fencing stuff will involve working with James and Aaron to integrate their XSync changes into the server. After that, I ll start working on the presentation piece. Foremost there is figuring out the right name for this new extension; I started with the name Swap as that s the GL call it implements. However, Swap is quite misleading as to the actual functionality; a name more like Present might provide a better indication of what it actually does. Of course, Present is both a verb and a noun, with very different connotations. Suggestions on this most complicated part of the project are welcome!

3 April 2013

Jonas Smedegaard: Debian Pure Blends - Creating sustainable hacks

Today Thursday April 4th I give a talk at Distro-recipes in Paris about Debian Pure Blends. Slides and sources for them.

21 March 2013

Jonas Smedegaard: What is FreedomBox? And when can I have one?

On wednesday 7. of November I gave a talk at EPFSUG in Brussels about FreedomBox. EPFSUG is an interest group of Free Software users working inside the European Parliament. The FreedomBox is a project to help non-geeks care about their personal privacy when online, same ways as geeks have practiced for a decade or more. The goal is a small, cheap physical box looking like and operating like an internet gateway or wifi router many are accustomed to nowadays - but with three additions: "Privacy" is commonly mistaken as "secrecy": Privacy is to keep you in control of your information - you can then use that control to keep secrets from others or to share with others as you like. Talking about personal privacy in the European Parliament can seem a bit of a stretch. It is not a home but a (huge) office space, where it is perhaps less obvious that you should treat some information as personal, or that you are even allowed to do so. Try watch the videos, and if you have questions then please don't hesitate to get in touch with me about them. At the EPFSUG meeting was also a presentation by an emplyee who had succesfully installed and used Free Software at the internal network of the Parliament, but then later told that it wasn't allowed - because the IT staff need to be in control of your computer activities at the place! The head of IT services at the Parliament attended the meeting and gave a short improvised talk at the end, expressing positive interest in behalf of the established IT services at the place towards our grassroots activities - and even praising explicitly EPFSUG as being the ideal place for all EU citizens to ask questions about Free Software in relation to the European Parliament. See for yourself in the video of Giancarlo! Thanks a lot especially to Erik Josefsson for making this event reality! Slides, sources and videos from the event.

Jonas Smedegaard: FreedomBox - scratching someone elses itch

Today Sunday November 11th I give a talk at FSCONS in Gothenburg about FreedomBox. FSCONS is an annual scandinavian hacker conference, with a very friendly attitude and atmosphere. The FreedomBox is a project to help non-geeks care about their personal privacy when online, same ways as geeks have practiced for more than a decade. The project is exciting in that is frames a common dream among lots of hackers and therefore sparks new innovation and renewed commitment. The goal is frustrating to tackle, because us hackers most often solve problems close to ourselves (a.k.a. is driven by "an itch to scratch"), and only very few of us are interface designers, which are crucially needed to make things usable for non-geeks. Slides and sources for them.

1 December 2012

Matthew Garrett: Secure Boot bootloader for distributions available now

I'm pleased to say that a usable version of shim is now available for download. As I discussed here, this is intended for distributions that want to support secure boot but don't want to deal with Microsoft. To use it, rename shim.efi to bootx64.efi and put it in /EFI/BOOT on your UEFI install media. Drop MokManager.efi in there as well. Finally, make sure your bootloader binary is called grubx64.efi and put it in the same directory.

Now generate a certificate and put the public half as a binary DER file somewhere on your install media. On boot, the end-user will be prompted with a 10-second countdown and a menu. Choose "Enroll key from disk" and then browse the filesystem to select the key and follow the enrolment prompts. Any bootloader signed with that key will then be trusted by shim, so you probably want to make sure that your grubx64.efi image is signed with it.

If you want, you're then free to impose any level of additional signing restrictions - it's entirely possible to use this signing as the basis of a complete chain of trust, including kernel lockdowns and signed module loading. However, since the end-user has explicitly indicated that they trust your code, you're under no obligation to do so. You should make it clear to your users what level of trust they'll be able to place in their system after installing your key, if only to allow them to make an informed decision about whether they want to or not.

This binary does not contain any built-in distribution certificates. It does contain a certificate that was generated at build time and used to sign MokManager - you'll need to accept my assurance that the private key was deleted immediately after the build was completed. Other than that, it will only trust any keys that are either present in the system db or installed by the end user.

A couple of final notes: As of 17:00 EST today, I am officially (rather than merely effectively) no longer employed by Red Hat, and this binary is being provided by me rather than them, so don't ask them questions about it. Special thanks to everyone at Suse who came up with the MOK concept and did most of the implementation work - without them, this would have been impossible. Thanks also to Peter Jones for his work on debugging and writing a signing tool, and everyone else at Red Hat who contributed valuable review feedback.

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21 October 2012

Jonas Smedegaard: How I (don't) use Facebook images

Dear Facebook friend, I like you and I am happy that you take/tag/share photos of me, just not on Facebook! I have a Facebook account but don't hang out there. Please share your photos in public, not (only) inside Facebook. And please consider allowing Free reuse of your photos, by licensing them with a Free license like CC-BY-SA or CC0.

Here & Now My suggestion for now is to use Flickr, and license all images as "Attribution, share alike".

The Perfect Way Ideally you would publish the photos on some server that you control, like the Freedombox, but those are unfortunately not yet easy to find or use.

Why not Facebook? Facebook is a closed system: all activities happen at one central place. Maybe you don't care who is spying on the photo gallery that you share. That's fine - but please respect those of your friends who do care, by putting a copy of your photos somewhere with less thirdparty control. Regards, Jonas

18 October 2012


# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR <email>, YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 11:14+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <email>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <ll>\n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #. type: Title # #, no-wrap msgid "Retro-style live webcam of our couch" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "\n" msgstr "" #. type: Title ## #, no-wrap msgid "Here's my office - Live!" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "I generally work from home, sitting in our big red couch." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "Last fall, when I told this to" msgstr "" #. type: Title ## #, no-wrap msgid "Technical setup" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #: #, no-wrap msgid "[[!graph src="""\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "rankdir=LR\n" "webcam -> motion -> stream;\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Most of my work is in trying to avoid ways things might go wrong which so " "often happens when computers are involved." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "What if \n" " * messages are delayed or lost?\n" " * a chain of messages arrive out of order?\n" " * messages are sent faster than they can be delivered?\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[Copenhagen Carpool]:\n" " "K benhavns Delebiler"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Title ## #, no-wrap msgid "Reliable conversation" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Human conversation is most reliable when using plain speak. Slang, sarcasm " "or jokes raise the risk of misunderstandings. This is quite similar in " "computer conversation." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "When surfing the Web, you normally "GET" a web page or "POST" new data " "like a search query. The words "GET" and "POST" are "plain speak" of " "the World Wide Web defined as a principle called "[REST][]" or " ""RESTful design"." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "rankdir=LR\n" ""fetch document" -> website [label="GET", dir="back"];\n" ""provide info" -> website [label="POST"];\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "I use the [Kannel][] tool to talk directly to the phones. When an sms " "arrives on the phone, Kannel "GET"s it to the calendar. That's weakly " "expressed better if it had "POST"ed the message instead." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "rankdir=LR\n" ""provide sms info" -> "calendar" [label="GET" style="dotted"];\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Kannel is a quite reliable tool, but not RESTful in conversations. That " "requires extra attention at other parts of the setup to avoid breakage in " "special situations." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "That worries me." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[Kannel]:\n" " "Kannel: Open Source WAP and SMS Gateway"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[REST]:\n" " "Representational State Transfer"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Title ## #, no-wrap msgid "Each car has a blog" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "So I setup a gateway from Kannel to RESTful conversation. And choose " "classic blogging as style of conversation:" msgstr "" #. type: Bullet: ' * ' msgid "The carpool fleet is a blogroll" msgstr "" #. type: Bullet: ' * ' msgid "each car has a blog" msgstr "" #. type: Bullet: ' * ' msgid "each sms emitted from a car is a blog entry" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Blogging comes in two flavors, [RSS][] and [Atom][]. Both cover " "distribution of messages. I use Atom because it is newest and coolest, and " "because it also covers creating and editing meesages with the [AtomPub][] " "extension." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "AtomPub allows the calendar to create an empty message which then " "triggers an sms from the car which "fills it in."" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "AtomPub also let the calendar "PUT" tags onto existing messages, to mark " "them as processed, read etc., and let an admin or a cleanup script " ""DELETE" outdated entries or blogs. The words "PUT" and "DELETE" are " "RESTful conversation as well." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[Atom]:\n" " "Atom"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[RSS]:\n" " "RSS"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[AtomPub]:\n" " "AtomPub"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Title ## #, no-wrap msgid "The system is dancing!" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "My sms-to-blog gateway is written in [Perl][], using the [Dancer][] toolkit." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Dancer makes it simple to setup a RESTful web conversation, and when I " "contacted the authors on [IRC][], they swiftly added support for the " "non-RESTful quirk that I needed." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "rankdir=LR\n" "phone -> "sms gateway" [dir="both"];\n" ""sms gateway" -> "blog gateway" [dir="both", style="dotted"];\n" ""blog gateway" -> calendar [dir="both"];\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "My sms-to-blog gateway is not yet ready, but basic routines work. The " "[project is public][], and code is [Free Software][]." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[Perl]:\n" " "Perl"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[Dancer]:\n" " "Dancer: Perl web development framework"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[IRC]:\n" " "IRC Chat system (Internet Relay Chat)"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[project is public]: git://\n" " "Kannel-to-AtomPub Gateway"\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[Free Software]:\n" " "The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG)"\n" msgstr ""


# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR <email>, YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 12:27+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <email>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <ll>\n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #. type: Title # #, no-wrap msgid "Robot-driven phone theater" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "I collaborate with [Hello!earth][] on creating theater performances." msgstr "" #. type: Title ## #, no-wrap msgid "You've got a message!" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Unlike traditional theater, however, the "stage" is everyday life. The " "familiar streets of your home town, the supermarket, or perhaps your own " "home. And the story is yours uniquely, like ancient storytelling at a " "campfire unfolding inside your head, imagined by you, only seeded by the " "storyteller." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid " and the storyteller is robots, texting your cellphone." msgstr "" #. type: Title ## #, no-wrap msgid "Programming poems to be live-performed by machines" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Vera and Jacob, the artists behind Hello!earth, compose "poems" that I " "program a system to "read" for the audience, triggered by a "dialogue" " "of words and actions of the audience." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "[[!graph src="""\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "rankdir=LR\n" "subgraph robot botphone poetrybot chatbot \n" "authors -> poetrybot -> botphone -> "phone net" -> audience;\n" "admin -> chatbot;\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "#rank=same authors audience artists admin \n" msgstr "" #. type: Title ## #, no-wrap msgid "Who's behind the wheel?" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "When I say "robot-driven" I don't mean computers taking over." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Like a car driven by the engine, these performances are driven by programs " "acting like agents with tiny missions. But like someone is (or should be!) " "steering the car to reach a sensible destination, the robot agents don't " "operate autonomously, but are steered throughout the performance." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "Our phone performances are guided by the plot and storyline(s) embedded " "into the robot system by HelloEarth and me. But the real beauty of it is " "that the one steering - the one really in control - are those traditionally " "called "audience", but here more accurately labelled "participants". " "Individually or collaboratively, depending on plot of each performance, the " "participants unfold the "play" in their minds, inspired by the weakest " "possible but accurately planted seeds of inspiration provided by our " "machinary." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "Theater performed by robots, controlled by the minds of the audience." msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "[hello!earth]:\n" " "hello!earth - platform for art projects crossing the edge of diverse performative practice"\n" msgstr ""


# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR <email>, YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 11:14+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <email>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <ll>\n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #. type: Title # #, no-wrap msgid "Status hos doktoren" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" "**Jonas Smedegaard** [dr.jones at " "]( " "\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "_Sat Oct 11 15:22:00 CEST 1997_" msgstr "" #. type: Bullet: ' * ' #: msgid "Previous message: [Spamming? ](000001.html)" msgstr "" #. type: Bullet: ' * ' #: msgid "" "**Messages sorted by:** ? date (date.html#2) ? thread (thread.html#2) " "? subject (subject.html#2) ? author (author.html#2)" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid " Hej Patrik (og alle Jer andre )!\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " >_Vad sker med dig det var ett stycke tid diden?\n" " _>_Vad skedde der med ditt arbejde pa cafeet og pa skolen?\n" " _\n" " Lang historie!\n" " (den kommer nu )\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Jeg tror snart jeg har laert (the hard way) hvor dyr jeg egentligt er i " "drift.\n" " Jeg har nu i 3 maneder "ligget med r ven *under* vandskorpen" " " konomisk: minus 15.000,- pa kontoen. Det vender forhabentligvis indenfor " "den naeste maned - ellers pa jeg tage et regulaert lan, hvis jeg fortsat " "skal have firma som fuldtidsbeskaeftigelse.\n" " Det betyder, at jeg for tiden arbejder fra ca. 9 morgen til 0:30 nat syv " "dage om ugen (med enkelte eftermiddage eller aftener fri). Der er faktisk " "opgaver at lave, som ogsa gi'r penge i kassen - men det har der ikke vaeret " "for nogle maneder siden, og nar der var, har jeg taget mig for billigt " "betalt (men du kender mig jo!). Jeg er begyndt mere at involvere min " "storebror, nar jeg udarbejder tilbud, til at hjaelpe mig med en mere reel " "prissaetning.\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid " Her er lidt(?) om, hvad jeg beskaeftiger mig med for tiden:\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " *** Homebase ***\n" " Jeg far forbindelse fra mit kontor og ned til Mejlgade om en lille uge - " "rent teoretisk ihvertfald - derefter skal jeg ha' elektronikken til at " "fungere \n" " Jeg administrerer deres servere og netvaerk, og er "Boss" for Morten " "P. fra Frontl berne, som er blevet hyret til at vedligeholde alle " "arbejdspladserne pa skolen.\n" " Jeg har *intet* at g re med content pa webserveren. Efter i foraret at " "have haft DogSystem (et par nystartede edb-folk) til at udarbejde noget " "smart (som vist aldrig blev rigtigt til noget) har Uffe nu faet samlet nogle " "studerende (vist primaert fra hold 3), som skal hitte pa noget \n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Her er et uddrag af en mail til Rasmus fra hold 3:\n" " >>_Du ma gerne f lge lidt med i arbejdet og sende mig en kommentar " "eller\n" " _>>_gode rad, hvis du f ler for det.\n" " _>_\n" " _>_Jeg har et ambivalent forhold til Jeres arbejde:\n" " _>_ - Jeg f ler for det, Ja. Meget!\n" " _>_ - I sidder og laver mit arbejde \n" " _>_ - Meningen med mit arbejde er ar g re mig selv arbejdsl s - sa det " "er\n" " _>_*godt*, at I laver det \n" " _>_ - I laver det maske bedre, maske darligere end jeg ville ha' gjort " "det -\n" " _>_men helt sikkert anderledes!\n" " _>_ - Min force (og min kaephest!) er grundstrukturer mere end visuel " "(og\n" " _>_anden) indpakning. Det er svaert at kommentere og komme med gode rad, " "nar de\n" " _>_er omkring grundstruktur. Det kraever naesten, at man sidder ved " "roret \n" " _>_ - Hvis ikke jeg kommer med mine kommentarer nu, skal jeg enten holde " "mund\n" " _>_med det (og det er svaert) eller de vil udvikles til bagklogskab og\n" " _>_bedrevidenhed \n" " _>_ - Jeg har egentligt for travlt til at beskaeftige mig med det: Jeg " "har hele\n" " _>_tiden haft "travlt". At jeg har "for travlt" er et udtryk for, at " "jeg er\n" " _>_blevet klar over, at for at leve et liv som selvstaendigt " "erhvervsdrivende\n" " _>_er det ikke nok at arbejde hardt - man skal ogsa ta' penge for " "det Jeg\n" " _>_har derfor ikke for travlt, hvis der er penge i lortet (men det er " "sjaeldent\n" " _>_tilfaeldet i Mejlgade - til gengaeld er der sa meget andet " "dernede!).\n" " _\n" " *** Brugerflade-design ***\n" " Jeg har faet et job ved Frontl berne: VPAE (Virtual Project Assistance " "Environment).\n" " De er med i et faelles-nordisk projekt om at lave en "virtuel " "projektvugge" - altsa et forum pa Internet med en raekke vaerkt jer til " "projektudvikling og administration af gamle projekter.\n" " Konkret arbejder jeg i diss uger pa design af brugergraenseflade " "(dialogbokse osv.) og n dvendige datastrukturer til et system til " "udarbejdelse af en projektbeskrivelse.\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Jeg arbejder taet sammen med Morten P., og det er utroligt spaendende at " "arbejde med en konkret, mindre opgave med stor paedagogisk og funktionel " "vaerdi.\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " *** Praktikant ***\n" " En af mine venner fra gymnasietiden, Henrik, studerer informatik (det " "hedder vist noget lidt andet ) her i rhus, og meget tyder pa, at han " "snart kommer i praktik her hos mig i en maned.\n" " Han skal arbejde meget selvstaendigt. Jeg har brug for hans viden " "indenfor PR, han kan bruge mig som "pr veklud", og jeg kan stille medier " "(webserver o.l.) til hans radighed.\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Jeg har en ide om at vaere meget aben overfor brug af praktikanter - " "ikke bare som nem arbejdskraft (det er kraevende at saette i arbejde, og at " "give opgaver fra sig!), men mere fordi det giver mig en traening i " "formidling af min viden, og erfaringer mht. "s saetning" af mine metoder " "og ideer som tekniker - men det kraever maske lidt uddybning :\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Mit virke er grundliggende at bygge bro mellem teknikere og brugere " "indenfor IT. Det har 2 aspekter - at naerme teknikeren til brugeren, og at " "naermere brugeren til teknikken. Jeg arbejder med undervisning (arketyper, " "paedagogik og kommunikation), brugerfladedesign og almen radgivning for at " "hjaelpe brugeren pa vej. For at hjaelpe teknikeren tager jeg udgangspunkt i " "mig selv og mit arbejde med brugeren, og udvikler herigennem en raekke " "metoder og tankesaet, som jeg vil formidle - gennem praktikanter eller " "evt. decideret undervisning - til andre teknikere, som ikke i det daglige " "arbejder "i begge lejre", og derfor ikke ser de samme problematikker som " "mig.\n" " konomisk skulle "Projekt dr. Jones" gerne baeres igennem " "vha. konkrete projekter - virksomheder og enkeltpersoner, som har behov for " "min viden og mit arbejde, og som er villige til at betale merprisen for " "forskning fremfor traditionelle l sninger (NB! jeg bruger bevidst ikke ord " "som "udvikling" og "innovation" - for mit arbejde f rer til tider " "tilbage til udgangspunktet - det er ikke *altid* n dvendigt at opfinde den " "dybe tallerken igen!)\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Henrik vil ikke give mig de store erfaringer mht. formidling af min " "viden - jeg har for stor en pukkel af opgaver liggende til at kunne gabe " "over ham ogsa. Denne gang er det primaert hans felt - PR - jeg kan drage " "nytte af.\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " *** Undevisning ***\n" " Jeg har nu i en maned undeervist i edb som valgfag pa IDA " "(Idraetsdagh jskolen). Indtil nu har det vaeret 2 timer om ugen, elever i " "alderen 30-60 ar - men om fa uger bliver der yderligere 4 timer om ugen med " "elever pa 20-30 ar.\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Afl nningen er symbolsk (nej, god l n regnet som underviser, jeg far " "samme l n som en uddannet laerer - men ikke sammenholdt med, hvor " ""dyrebar" min tid er som selvstaendig ), men sjaeldent har jeg oplevet " "sa tydeligt et ryk i min paedagogiske forstaelse og opmaerksomhed.\n" " Jeg bliver sandsynligvis ikke haengende ved IDA i mere end et 1/2-1 ar - " "det er simpelthen for tids- og ressourcekraevende - men h ster gode " "erfaringer salaenge (og bader mig i deres positive feedback :-)\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " *** Brugerflade-programmering ***\n" " Samtidig (egentligt burde jeg forlaengst vaere faerdig, men opgaven greb " "om sig) arbejder jeg pa mit eget projekt: BOS (BrugerOpdateringsSystem).\n" " Det er et CGI-script (lille program pa en web-server), som muligg r " "redigering af indholdet pa websider uafhaengigt af sidens grafiske " "opsaetning, og - vaesentligst - UDEN AT SKRIVE EEN ENESTE KODE!\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " 1. udgave af BOS betalte jeg en programm r 15.000,- for at udvikle. Jeg " "havde brug for det til en opgave for AC (Akademikernes Centralorganisation), " "som skulle bruge det til bl.a. pressemeddelelser og publicering af et " "manedsblad pa deres 200+ siders websider (som jeg ogsa har lavet!).\n" " Da AC i sensommeren kom med rettelser og udvidelser til deres website " "blev der brug for forbedringer af BOS, og jeg erfarede, at min programm r " "havde lavet meget u-fleksibel kode, som var umulig at bygge videre pa.\n" " 2. udgave af BOS er nu naesten faerdig. Jeg valgte at skrive det om fra " "grunden selv (med hjaelp fra en god ven, som studerer datalogi), og har " "efterhanden skrevet ca. 750 linjers kode i programmeringssproget Perl \n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Jeg havde ikke troet, at jeg nogensinde skulle kunne programmere. Det " "kraever disciplin og god forstaelse for grundliggende datastrukturer, som " "jeg hidtil troede n dvendiggjorde et mangearigt universitetsstudie " "(datalogi).\n" " Jeg vil ikke sla mig ned som programm r, men kan nu bruge det som ekstra " "fjer i min vifte af erfaringsomrader, i min rejse mod "At vaere det ledende " "radgivningsorgan i Danmark indenfor anvendt edb"!\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " *** Internet-Cafe ***\n" " Jeg har jo kontor i 2 lokaler hos NETLAB, en spillecafe (computerspil i " "netvaerk). Det tog ikke mange jeblikke at slutte deres og mit netvaerk " "sammen, sa alle spillecomputerne ogsa kunne komme pa Internet - desvaerre " "fungerede det ikke med store computerspil (lang teknisk forklaring ), kun " "med alm. ting som e-mail og at "surfe" pa nettet.\n" " Jeg far snart (indenfor fa uger) "aegte" adgang til Internet, via fast " "forbindelse d gnet rundt. Sa kan der spilles computerspil via Internet, og " "spillecafeen er reelt blevet en Internet-Cafe \n" " Den kommende Internetforbindelse er dog ikke saerligt kraftig (64kbit - " "2-4 x modemhastighed) til deling mellem 20 kraftige maskiner, og har lagt en " "f ler ind hos Telia: Om ikke de har lyst til at sponsorere stedet. Give os " "en kraftig forbindelse til Internet, og til gengaeld fa reklamevaerdien af " "en stabil og hurtig forbindelse Folk der bliver rigtigt bidt af det vil " "jo f r eller siden k be en maskine selv, og sa far de jo brug for en " "Internet-udbyder \n" " Min rolle bliver at administrere "hullet" (eller "hullerne" til " "Internet, og evt. ogsa at strukturere og administrere mail-adresser til " "bes gende pa cafeen.\n" " konomisk forestiller jeg mig en fast procentdel af indtaegterne i " "cafeen - eller evt. simpelthen en billigere husleje?!?. Det gaelder om at " "finde en prispolitik, som spiller sammen med den grundliggende holdning ved " "bade dr. Jones og NETLAB om et indbydende, seri st (uden at blive kedeligt!) " "milj fremfor "flest muligt forbi kasseapperatet".\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid " -\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Det blev et laengere brev - og jeg tror faktisk, jeg vil genbruge det " "til ogsa at fortaelle familie og andre venner, hvorfor de har h rst sa lidt " "til mig pa det sidste \n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Hej allesammen!\n" " Haber I nyder tilvaerelsen. Det g r jeg - men traenger ogsa snart til et " "lille pusterum - juleferie i Sydfrankrig, regner jeg med!\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text #, no-wrap msgid "" " Ha' det bra!\n" " Jonas\n" " :_-)\n" " _\n" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "" "[More information about the Friends mailing list]( " "bin/mailman/listinfo/friends)" msgstr "" #. type: Plain text msgid "This text is part of my friends scriblings." msgstr ""

Jonas Smedegaard: Blended configuration

I want all my computing environments "furnished" similarly and as close to my personal taste as possible - be it big and small machines, self-administered and user accounts of others. and not only for myself - similar is needed for the environments I help maintain for my friends Siri, Erik and Peter. The environments are seldom fully equal, so simply copying things around is rarely useful. Here's a checklist of things that I need to customize and syncronize for me and my friends to feel at $HOME : Above is work-in-progress. I hope to later extend with more details - probably by linking to separate pages about each subtopic.

12 October 2012

Matthew Garrett: Further UEFI bootloader work

I've been continuing to work on Shim this week, and it's now getting pretty close to feature complete. The biggest change has been migrating the MokList variable from a custom format to the one used by the UEFI spec databases, which means it's easier for the kernel to import the MOK entries and use them for validating module signatures.

The other benefit of this format is that it supports hashes as well as certificates, and so I've added support for enrolling hashes through the MokManager UI. This means that distributions can now ship with a signed copy of Shim without having to sign any other components of their distribution. When the user attempts to boot off the media they'll be faced with a menu and a countdown. If the countdown reaches 0, the system will simply fall back to the next entry in the bootlist. If they hit a key, they can choose to enrol a hash. The user then navigates the filesystem explorer, chooses the bootloader, confirms that they want to enrol it and then exits. Shim then verifies the bootloader against the hash and boots successfully.

The big advantage of this over the Linux Foundation approach is that once a hash has been enrolled the need for physical end-user presence is removed - ie, if you enrol the hash, you don't need to hit a key every time you boot. This is still slightly sub-optimal in that if you update your bootloader you'll need to enrol a new hash, but that can be partially automated by calling MokUtil in the postinst - the user then simply needs to confirm that they want to enrol the hash, rather than having to choose it manually. Completely transparent updates are going to require a signed bootloader and an enrolled signing key.

A couple of people have asked whether we're planning on implementing the Linux Foundation approach of simply asking the user whether they want to boot an unsigned file. We've considered it, but at the moment are leaning towards "no" - it's simply too easy to use to trick naive users into running untrusted code. Users are trained to click through pretty much any security prompt that they see, and if an attacker replaces a legitimate bootloader with one that asks them to press "y" to make their computer work, they'll press "y". If that bootloader then launches a trojaned Windows bootloader that launches a trojaned Windows kernel, that's kind of a problem. This could be somewhat mitigated by limiting this feature to removable media, and we're seriously considering that, but there are still some risks associated. We might just end up writing the code but disabling it at build time, and then anyone who wants to distribute with that policy can do so at their own risk.

Meanwhile, Peter Jones is working on tidying up the code we're using for the actual signing and will be publishing that once the last couple of kinks are worked out. We're using hardware cryptography, so even if someone compromises the build systems they won't be able to obtain the private key that we use. However, should something disastrous and unanticipated happen, we do have a plan in place for migrating to new keys with minimal user impact. We'll document the code and infrastructure we're using in order to make it as easy as possible for other distributions to implement equivalent functionality.

As I've mentioned before, our goal is to make it as easy as possible for distributions to implement whatever level of Secure Boot policy they want without having to engage with Microsoft themselves. Shim allows distributions to ship an OS that has no signed binaries at all, or alternatively to ship an OS that uses filesystem-level cryptography to ensure that even userspace is completely signed. I'm expecting to see a range of options available, and I hope that the majority of users will find something to suit their needs.

comment count unavailable comments

11 October 2012

Eddy Petri&#537;or: A shitstorm is comming

It has been brought to my attention that a company selling some so-called colon cleansing product wanted to threat with a law suit a Romanian skeptical blogger because he wrote some articles showing that any such products (the one produced by the said company is the most known/popular in Romania) are pure quackery and there is no scientific basis for the claim they make in order to promote their products.

In his articles he also explained how, in fact, the mucoid plaque, the thing that supposedly proves the efficiency of the product, it is a result of taking the product due to its ingredients, and how no such mucoid plaque was ever observed in any colonoscopy, colon surgery or any other situation where you'd expect it to be seen. He also quoted specialists and lots of other scientific references, showing an honest approach to the issue.

As a response to the initial take-down message from the company doing business with people's crap, the blogger said would like to see scientific proof for the claims made for the product, and when that was to happen, he would take down the articles and publish a correction.

The company decided that the best way to continue this was to try to make a legal threat and ask 100.000 euros (one hundred thousands Euros) as damage in a country where, according to the latest data from the National Statistics Institute, the total average monthly personal income is about 180 Euros.

The blogger, as a reply, decided the threat should be made public and wrote another article which probably made the company very unhappy, because they decided to sue Wordpress so they would take down the blog.

And that's exactly what they did, they sued Wordpress, and sent some documents to Wordpress who sent them to the blogger. Among the documents there were 4 pdf files containing each an original article (in Romanian) from the blog and only 3 pdf containg English translation for only 3 of them. The one missing was the one where the blogger himself showed there wasn't any legal basis for the threats they made initially against him.

Here are the translations (ironically, made on the company's own expense):

Initial article entitled "ColonHelp doesn't help the colon. But it empties your wallet!" (original here)
Initial Article.en<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" data-aspect-ratio="0.701030927835051" data-auto-height="true" frameborder="0" height="600" id="doc_83859" scrolling="no" src=";view_mode=scroll&amp;access_key=key-19l4sbejfk4l4na4feoe" width="100%"></iframe>

The second article entitled "Again about ColonHelp and intestinal cleansers" (original here)
Follow Up.en<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" data-aspect-ratio="0.70264064293915" data-auto-height="true" frameborder="0" height="600" id="doc_46722" scrolling="no" src=";view_mode=scroll&amp;access_key=key-1d0z2779liaialmv90r5" width="100%"></iframe>

** Missing translation of the first reply to threats (original Romanian text here)

The second article about the threats entitled "People who clean the colon have filled the fan with shit" (original here)
Threats 2<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" data-aspect-ratio="0.705069124423963" data-auto-height="true" frameborder="0" height="600" id="doc_72956" scrolling="no" src=";view_mode=scroll&amp;access_key=key-2d3c3eq1d6lo313fogho" width="100%"></iframe>

The Romanian blogger explains himself more of the details on this issue in his latest article on his blog.

The company is called Zenyth Pharmaceuticals and Wordpress will probably lose the lawsuit by not presenting themselves in any way in the Romanian courts, but I think some Streisand effect would really help the asses of this company to get them kicked in their rightful place, at the top of the hall of shame.

The product name is called ColonHelp.

Please spread this information as wide as possible.
Do NOT link to the company's site (it would raise its search engine rank), but link to the blogger' article or the translations.

If any Romanian speaker cares to translate the untranslated article and publish it somewhere on the web, I would be more than glad to update this article and add a link to that translation.

1 October 2012

Jonas Smedegaard: How I (don't) use Facebook

Dear Facebook friend, I like you and I want to chat with you, just not on Facebook! My Facebook account is there to reach you where you are, but I do not hang out there. Please join me at Free and Open spaces instead - via email, IRC or Jabber

Good old email If you cannot be bothered with change, then simply email me! My email address is like always :-)

Simple webchat If you are in a hurry and do not use Jabber yet, then try use my Simple Groupchat. Use guest login if you are not a user at

Proper Jabber Jabber is similar to email: You need 1) an account somewhere, 2) some client application setup to use that account, and 3) the address of those you want to connect.
  1. Register an account at e.g. Indonesian or some other server.
  2. Install a Jabber client program :
    • on Windows try install Gajim from
    • on smartphone try app from
    • on Ubuntu try use the Me menu in top right corner.
    • on Debian try install Pidgin: aptitude install pidgin.
  3. Invite me as your friend/buddy: my Jabber ID is
  4. Tell your friends to do the same! :-D

Geeky IRC Many computer geeks hang out on IRC. I find it ugly and clumsy to use, but most of my techie friends are there, so I recommend going there to discuss technical matters. On OFTC my nickname is jonas, and I often hang out at the chatroom #debian-devel (plus a few others).

Why not Facebook? Facebook is a closed system: all activities happen at one central place. Email, Jabber and IRC are open protocols, exchanging between many Free systems (and some non-free ones as well).
Imagine having an overprotecting mother, who allow you only to meet your friends at one spot in town - where she can look after you. You maybe have no secrets from your mom, but probably still appreciate the option of being alone - to have some privacy.
Facebook is that one spot in town. Jabber is "let's go meet somewhere". Regards, Jonas

Jonas Smedegaard: Building a remote-control for real cars

SMS is used to lock car doors Copenhagen Carpool soon receive a new batch of electric cars. The new cars will contain a cellphone tied to the door locks, to only let into the car the member who booked its current timeslot. I am setting up the system to connect the cars with their booking calendar. The general idea is to
  1. Connect a standard cellphone to a computer.
  2. Forward sms messages received on the phone to the calendar.
  3. Send messages from the calendar through the phone.
  4. Leave the system in a corner, turned on 24/7.
Most of my work is in trying to avoid ways things might go wrong which so often happens when computers are involved. What if
  • messages are delayed or lost?
  • a chain of messages arrive out of order?
  • messages are sent faster than they can be delivered?

Reliable conversation Human conversation is most reliable when using plain speak. Slang, sarcasm or jokes raise the risk of misunderstandings. This is quite similar in computer conversation. When surfing the Web, you normally "GET" a web page or "POST" new data like a search query. The words "GET" and "POST" are "plain speak" of the World Wide Web defined as a principle called "REST" or "RESTful design". I use the Kannel tool to talk directly to the phones. When an sms arrives on the phone, Kannel "GET"s it to the calendar. That's weakly expressed better if it had "POST"ed the message instead. Kannel is a quite reliable tool, but not RESTful in conversations. That requires extra attention at other parts of the setup to avoid breakage in special situations. That worries me.

Each car has a blog So I setup a gateway from Kannel to RESTful conversation. And choose classic blogging as style of conversation:
  • The carpool fleet is a blogroll
  • each car has a blog
  • each sms emitted from a car is a blog entry
Blogging comes in two flavors, RSS and Atom. Both cover distribution of messages. I use Atom because it is newest and coolest, and because it also covers creating and editing meesages with the AtomPub extension. AtomPub allows the calendar to create an empty message which then triggers an sms from the car which "fills it in." AtomPub also let the calendar "PUT" tags onto existing messages, to mark them as processed, read etc., and let an admin or a cleanup script "DELETE" outdated entries or blogs. The words "PUT" and "DELETE" are RESTful conversation as well.

The system is dancing! My sms-to-blog gateway is written in Perl, using the Dancer toolkit. Dancer makes it simple to setup a RESTful web conversation, and when I contacted the authors on IRC, they swiftly added support for the non-RESTful quirk that I needed. My sms-to-blog gateway is not yet ready, but basic routines work. The project is public, and code is Free Software.

23 September 2012

Jonas Smedegaard: Spamming?

Hi! I have collected a small list of people that I want to give lifesign once in a while.
- and you are one of them Maybe we shook hands once, and for some obscure reason I kept (or found) your email address.
Maybe we are even related by blood (then you probably know :-) - e.g. ny brothers are on the list, as is both my parents
Few of you I actually never met in person, but you made a special impression on me - either in a phone conversation or an email exchange If you dislike being "bombarded" with emails from me - or if you are not at all the one I think you are, and really I write to a stranger - then please tell me! I will immediately remove you from the list, if you ask for it - and won't take it badly Kind regards
Jonas Smedegaard
This text is part of my friends scriblings.

